Any occasion where exciting and different food is cooked, eaten and experienced with great company is a good one in our book, and Passover or Pesach as we say it is no exception.
With our foodie flat up and running, this year was our first time hosting our own Passover Seder night.
For those unfamiliar, Jewish tradition holds that, at the beginning of Passover, two consecutive very special dinners are held where symbolic food is eaten to tell the story of the Jews in Egypt in the time of Moses. It’s probably the most representative festival showing the innate connection between Judaism and food, and so it’s one of my absolute favourites.
To undertake holding a Seder night is a big deal, there is a lot to prepare as you’ll see below.
As it was my first time making it, I chose to follow others’ recipes rather than inventing my own (I’ll save that for years to come!) But it worked out a treat and everything worked together well so here’s my Pesach meal…
First the Seder plate…
Traditionally you eat a boiled egg in salt water at the start of the meal to symbolise both tears and rebirth. (I didn’t take a pic of that as actually it was just an egg).
Then the feast…
To buy the Jewelled Kitchen cookbook, click.
Then dessert…
Recipe here, make it it’s incredible.
Followed by always traditional coconut macaroons topped and bottomed with delicious chocolate.
Link for the macaroons recipe here.
And you finish with songs and prayers.
During the evening it’s required to drink at least 4 glasses of wine and to sit leaning in your chair (one probably leads to the other). So it’s pretty fun.
All in all our first Seder was a real joy to host. And I don’t think I’ll need to eat for the rest of the week…
Happy matzah eating!!
Intrepid Foodies xx
Thanks, great article.
Glad you liked it!